Date: 2022-01-07 Browse: 820 Form: Bigersc

Enterprise annual meeting: "cow" you add wonderful to the same journey, "tiger" wolf line to win the future

The chronology changes and the Chinese chapter is new

In the blink of an eye, we have experienced another unforgettable year together.

The end of the year is getting closer and closer, and it's time for an annual meeting

Did the little friends' little hearts start to flutter?

On January 15, 2022, "Cow" you are the same journey to add wonderfully, "Tiger" howling wolf line to win the future - foreign trade wolf 2021 "gratitude, win-win" theme annual meeting was held as scheduled. This annual meeting is not only super hi on the spot, there are many highlights, please follow the camera below and focus on the wonderful moments of this annual meeting together!



At 15:00 p.m., the company's annual meeting kicked off with the speech of Mr. Huang Huafeng, chairman of the board. On behalf of all the staff of the foreign trade wolf, Mr. Huang extended cordial greetings and sincere thanks to the partners who have been supporting the foreign trade wolf. And with everyone to look back on the past, look forward to the future, thank all employees for their efforts and efforts, and at the same time place high hopes for the New Year, and imagine the future.



Year after year, the enthusiasm has not diminished

With dreams as horses, Mo Shaohua

In 2021, we braved the wind and rain and forged ahead

In 2022, we are full of confidence and hope, hand in hand

The pace is non-stop, and the road ahead is huge

Wishing us all the best in the new year

Everything you ask for is what you want, and what you do is smooth

Everything can be expected!

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information!

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